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Can You Ace This Financial IQ Test


July 31. Welcome , to our weekly newsletter.  We were shocked to learn that 86% of people couldn't ace a simple financial IQ test, a result that is certainly scary for their retirement future.  Our lead article has some advice for you, and a link where you can take the test yourself!

Following up on your recent reader suggestions, we have a fun and fast survey for you to take on your experiences and plans for selling your home, downsizing, and moving. Based on the initial results coming in, it is going to be interesting reading! Please do your part and take it so we have everyone's ideas represented.
Chatham, MA
Retirement is a self-service affair today - you are in charge. Don't let your lack of interest or knowledge risk your financial future. Take this fun quiz, then read our 10 tips to help improve your financial wisdom!
Bentonville, AR
This is the longest continuously occupied European settlement in the U.S. This popular retirement community was established in 1565 by the Spanish and has been under 4 flags. Its rich history makes it  a great tourist destination; it also has many active communities in the area.
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If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend so we can continue to spread the word.  We  offer 3 more newsletters too: a Daily Digest (it provides a link to everything new on the site from the day before),  New Active Adult Communities East, and New Active Adult Communities West (the latter 2 are weekly).
Many of you  have been great about sharing in our recent surveys - there were over 700 responses to our Reader Preferences poll a few months ago. Now we need your input on our newest. Your responses are going to provide us with some amazing data  and insights for our next article on selling your home, downsizing, and moving.  There are just 11 quick questions to answer, with plenty of room to share comments if you like. Please don't be just a lurker - go ahead and share your opinions and experiences!
Turrialba, Costa Rica
Nicknamed the "Blue Hole", Sequim got that handle because pilots kept noticing that there were almost always blue skies over the area - it is in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains.  Pilots, sailors, and outdoors people love retirement here.


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